tuula närhinen

Diaries of a Serial Killer

The Diaries of a Serial Killer made insects’ death toll visible. Everybody kills insects occasionally, especially when the bugs happen to enter the house. The swatting happens automatically and goes unnoticed. Some years ago, I started using artists’ sketch books to eliminate unwanted intruders. By and by, my swatter pads amounted to a miniature splatter and gore archive. Page after page smeared with insect blood and intestines witness of the surprising brutality inherent in the seemingly harmless and innocent quotidian acts.

The books were presented with pages curled and leaves spread out so that the binders resemble winged beings at flight. In Venice, the installation included elements of crowdsourcing. The audience was provided with empty sketch books attached with a note that urged the spectator to kindly contribute to the swatting: “The serial killer would be thrilled to see her work continue in Venice. Feel free to use the sketch books as swatters. Please indicate the date of the catch”.
