tuula närhinen

The Odyssey

The role of Ulysses is played by a vagrant living on the seashore.

After having been released from the city's central prison in Sörnäinen on the east coast (the island of Kalypso), he starts wandering homeward to a small cottage (Ithaca) near the Länsivaylä motorway on the western side of the Helsinki peninsula.

The character of Ulysses as a homeless alcohol-addicted outlaw embodies the marginal position of the islands and the coastal areas. They are uncontrollable elements which have to be tamed and melted into the city.

On the lef: Ulysses taking a rest at the Market Place. His bicycle and suitcase on the right.
Ulysses' cottage (Ithaca) near the Länsivaylä motorway on the west side of the Helsinki peninsula