Tuula Närhinen: La déesse de bouleaux (a series of photographs and birchbark handworks)
21.9.–20.10.2018 INTIMENTISSIMA, Galerie de la Voûte, Paris, France
19.9.–30.9.2018 SEEING WITHOUT THE SEER, Looiersgracht 60, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Tuula Närhinen: Baltic Sea Plastique and the Water Colour Scope at UNSEEN Amsterdam
14.6.–2.9.2018 OBJEKTI 4 Contemporary Sculpture, outdoor exhibition, Espoo, Finland
Tuula Närhinen: Memorial to an Earth Worm
2.6.–24.6.2018 MARITIME POETICS Corner College, Zürich, Switzerland
IHME Festival. Video Screenings on Friday, 25 May at 16:00-16:45 Korjaamo’s Corner Hall
Chromatograms of Plant Colours, 2001, mute, 6´35 min
Baltic Sea Plastique, 2014, mute, 10 min (screening –version for the occasion)
Frost Flowers, 2006, mute, 14´53 min
12.–15.4.2018 SUPERMARKET- Art Fair2018, Stockholm, Sweden
Shaving in East Iceland – portraits and landscapes (inkjet prints 61x35, sheep wool), 2017
16.11.2017–8.4.2018 FLUX Ink Spill Current at the Turku Biennial - group exhibition, Aboa Vetus & Ars Nova, Turku, Finland